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Ethereum Binance’s Websockets problem in the Chrome

Ethereum: Binance WSS api url is being treated as HTTPS on both Google Chrome and Firefox



The following article faces a common problem encountered by users of the Ethereum Blockchain and associated bees, including Binance Websockets API. The problem is that the WSS: //stream.binance: 9443 is used to establish a websocket connection to the exchange of binance is treated as https instead of http instead of http (or even FTP) on Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox Browser .

The problem

When using the Binance Websockets API, it is essential to use a HTTP or HTTPS connection to ensure that the data sent on the network are adequately authenticated and validated. The predefined WSS: // 9443 Use Cryptography TLS (Transport Layer Security) URL URL. of Chrome at a different end point.

The solution

To solve this problem, it is necessary to use an alternative connection URL that bypass the TLS redirection. Here’s how to change your code:


import from ‘’;

Const Socket = I (‘

// or for FTP (file transfer protocol)

Const Ftpurl = ‘Ftp://’;

Socket.on (‘Connect’, () => {

Console.log (‘Connected to Binance Websockets Api’);



Modified code test

Try to perform your modified code in a Chrome browser and check that you can connect correctly to the Binance Websockets. If you are still finding problems, make sure that:

  • You have the latest version of Chrome installed.



Using an alternative connection URL, such as HTTP or FTP, it is necessary to correctly establish a websocket connection to the exchange of Binance without meeting the HTTPS redirection problem in Chrome and Firefox browsers.


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